Early Painting


El Norte, oil on linen, 6x11 feet

Titled after the film, El Norte, and referring to the Biblical character Lazarus, this painting alludes to journey and is about personal journey. Most of the imagery is from my imagination and memory of events and several paintings viewed around the time of the painting’s creation (one in particular is Rembrandt’s, Human Recognizes His Fate). The gladiola flowers were growing in my garden and painted from life.


Let It Come Down, oil on canvas, 7x5.5 feet

The title comes from Shakespeare’s Macbeth. As he stands on a terrace, Banquo says “It will be rain tonight.” Then, the first murderer, who is standing near Banquo, seems to respond as he says “Let it come down,” and the three murders assault and kill Banquo. The central figure in the painting, the angel Gabriel, is taken from Jacobo Portormo’s Annunciation in Santa Felicita in Florence. The terraced plain is from my memory of the agrarian countryside in Spain.

margaret manning krug ©2023


House Not Made With Hands, oil on linen, 7x11 feet


Ovid, oil on canvas, 7x11 feet


Faith, Hope, Love (Broken Bambola), oil on canvas, 7x11 feet